Thursday, January 18, 2007

Special Sale for Fans of Only!

Post a photo of you wearing something from to our MySpace page (maximum image width: 550 pixels or less please!), as a comment, and we'll send you a message containing a discount code good for any purchase made in January!

Here's the fine print:

Again, please don't put a huge-ass photo in the comment. It'll crack out our page. So, if you comment with a huge photo, we'll have to deny the comment.

Please, give us up to 48 hours to publish your comment and message you with your discount code. You will receive your code as soon as your comment is published, but we don't approve comments instantaneously, so please be patient!

Please do not comment here with your photo - only comments made to our MySpace comment page will be eligible.

The code will expire on February 1st, so you'll need to use it before that time. If you comment with your image close to the end of January and it takes us some time to respond, don't worry - we'll give you a code that will work for a few more days!

Tell your friends! We want to fill our comments with photos of you fabulous gals and guys!

Have fun!!



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, is that all we need to do? Send out some myspace comments on your page? That's cool.