Burlesque at The Derby in Hollywood - January 17th!!
Click here for Special Discounted Pre-Sale Tickets
Our now-famous monthly Burlesque extravaganza has moved to a larger location - The World Famous Derby in Hollywood!
Join us Saturday, January 17th for the best recurring Burlesque and Rockabilly Event in Los Angeles - The Whistle Bait Burlesque at The Derby, presented by Viva Los Angeles and sponsored by PinUpGirlClothing.com!
Featuring performances by Ruby Champagne and Delilah DeMilo - and as a special treat for you guys, a burlesque contest! Burlesque hopefuls, sign-in by 10pm the day of the show, and strut your stuff! Your performance will be judged in part by audience reaction, as well as by Ruby, Delilah, and Pinup Girl Clothing Supreme Overlord Laura Byrnes - Winners and runners-up will receive cash and goodies, and the first place winner will also get to headline a future Viva Los Angeles event! Please see our Viva Los Angeles MySpace page for complete details!
Featuring live music by The Delta Bombers and Captain Jeffrey & The Chumbuckets - and two rooms of dancing to the best rockabilly, soul, R&B, and ska by DJs Johnny Devil, Satoshi, CD Mikey, Alberto Sol, Bobbin' Bud, and Hellhound!
Groups, please contact us at our MySpace Page for information about reserving VIP booths, discount group admission, and special rates for car and motorcycle/scooter clubs!
Check out the review of our last Whistle Bait event by the La Weekly: Click here for the article, and here for the slideshow of photos!
See you there! $10 pre-sale and before 10:30pm, $15 after. 21+